Mr Sanjay Raut

Administrator & Director

          A long march from Stone Age to Age of Information & Communication Technology has been the result of man’s inquisitive pursuits. As long as man’s curiosity and creativity do not end, the onward march of human society towards more advanced achievements will continue.  The deepest ocean is the ocean of knowledge, the depth of which is unknown.  Shall man touch the bottom of the ocean? However, man has dived deeper into the ocean is certainly a reality. Man acquires his knowledge and experiences through education which enables him to earn a living and trains him to persevere to enrich his life.

          At school level, we have fifteen years of span to nurture the child’s educational journey right from Nursery to Std. XII.  The child who steps in Nursery completes his/her higher secondary education within 15 years and graduates after 3 years from other institution. These graduate students enter the workforce or may achieve success in the field of their choice. It is the larger purpose of our institution to sow the seeds for their holistic development.

          Our institution has nonselective and impartial admission process where each application is considered on its merit.  It is open to all students regardless of any social, economic, cultural, or religious background.  Our institution provides quality programs, effective teaching and learning experience, clear policies and procedure, strategic planning, and effective communication. And all this becomes possible only because of the timely guidance, support and encouragement offered by the members of MBBI.

          Every year is a significant milestone, a time and moment to celebrate. But last two years i.e., 2020-21 and 2021-22 we all experienced huge educational and economical loss. Despite all these adverse conditions, we tried our best to provide excellent learning experience to our students at different levels.

          I truly believe that the foundation of every nation is based on education of its youth.  It is the sacred task of educational institutions to instill love for work, develop scientific outlook, civic sense, national consciousness, and pride in our Indian culture among the young generation. Along with the support of eminent chairman Respected Shri Boman Burjor Irani, Secretary Dr. Danesh Boman Irani, Shri Marazban Burjor Irani, other trust members, dedicated Principals, staff members and cooperative parents, we will continue our journey towards the progress of our future generation.

All content belongs to MBBI Academy
